About Us / Staff / Advisory & Coordinating Board

Advisory & Coordinating Board

The Advisory & Coordinating Board of the institute is mainly deals with policy and management matters, and it also considers the recommendation of the Academic committee with respect to academic matters. This board consists of six members has been appointed by the Hon. Mister of Lands to advice Surveyor General in taking policy decisions and other related activities connected with the affairs of the Institute.

Mr. Y. G. Gnanathilaka

Surveyor Genaral


Mrs. O.T.M.I. Tilakaratne

Director (ISM)


Dr. K.Thavalingam

Retd.Surveyor Genaral

Mrs. A.L.S.C. Perera

Retd.Surveyor Genaral

Mr. K.R. Sarath

Addi.S.G. (central)

Prof. S.B.Weerakoon

Faculty of Engineering University of Peradeniya